Best Friends
I love when all three of my children play together well. I love when they are
kind to one another,
Out and About
Posting some pictures from the last few weeks. I love my family! I am so
She's named
Halloween 2012
Greetings from Narnia!How does Halloween sneak up on me every year? Seriously? I
knew that it was coming I
We Heart Reading
I love to read. I love delving into a good book and getting lost in the plot and
characters. When
Sibling Love
A few weeks ago Mr. Bananas tried to crawl onto and across the kitchen table.
Of course I reprimanded him
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Dancing with the Chosen
Last Sunday we were able to see The Chosen live [/the-chosen]! It was a
wonderful concert and I am so
Weekend with Daddy
Bananas and I waiting for Daddy to come home!Hubby was able to make it home last
weekend. We weren&
Catching Up
My Bed BugsYikes! It's been so long since I posted. We are busy over here.
Playing mommy and
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Crocheting Buddy
Over the last few years I have taken up crocheting. I have found it to be
incredibly relaxing and I
Jumping Mr. Bananas
When I had my first baby, everything seemed to happen in a blur. A lot of it had
to do