Cancer Diaries: It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
If I Squint Really Hard I Can See the Finish Line
Just Keep Running
Image by Drew Farwell []on Unsplash
[]I have been running for about
Cancer in Quarantine Diaries: What I learned from Running Helped me with Cancer
You are stronger than you know
Run Like a Mother Party
Hanging out at the Run Like a Mother PartyOn my last birthday my BFF gave me the
book Train Like
Bonking at the Half Marathon
Dad and I before the raceLast Sunday I ran in a half marathon with my dad. His
first, my second.
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Fun Run
Lolo and Lola with the kids before the Fun RunMy son's school holds an annual
1.5 mile
My First Half Marathon
Packing for the raceI am two days away from running my second half marathon and
for some reason I have
5K PR and Kentlands 5K Race Report
Last Saturday I ran in a local 5K. I have been training for the last few months
with my friend.
Long Training Runs
My dad and I at our first 10K together last AprilI am training for my next half
marathon. This time
Meeting Diana
Last month I had an amazing opportunity to go at an author's event for my
favorite author Diana