Almost Wordless Wednesday--Running Buddy
My son and I after his first 10KWithin the last year, my oldest has taken up
running races with me.
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Chester
Chester has been with our family for about 6 years. He was given to Boogie as a
party favor when
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Boogie Starts 2nd Grade!
Boogie started 2nd grade this week. I am grateful that the preparations were
drama free. I think that since we
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Taking Time to Smell the Flowers
My little girl loves flowers. She loves to stop and smell them. Yesterday we
went to our favorite grocery store
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Aloha
It's January. It's windy and cold. Too cold. I miss warm weather. Sigh. Here is
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Dancing with the Chosen
Last Sunday we were able to see The Chosen live [/the-chosen]! It was a
wonderful concert and I am so
Almost Wordless Wednesday--Crocheting Buddy
Over the last few years I have taken up crocheting. I have found it to be
incredibly relaxing and I
Almost Wordless Wednesday: Lunch with Daddy
This is the last week of Summer vacation and the weather has been gorgeous. We
had an awesome playdate on
Wordless Wednesday: For Bridget
I was hoping to visit with my sister-in-law several times this Summer. I think
we were able to squeeze in
Almost Wordless Wednesday-Bonding over Trains
Hubby recently brought up Boogie's old train tracks and trains. I remember how
Boogie used to play with