1 min read

Almost Wordless Wednesday-Bonding over Trains

Almost Wordless Wednesday-Bonding over Trains

Hubby recently brought up Boogie's old train tracks and trains.  I remember how Boogie used to play with them for hours on end.  He lost interest about two years ago and traded his trains and tracks for dragons, dinosaurs, and books.

However, when Hubby brought up the trains from the basement it has brought back hours of fun for all of the kids. Boogie builds amazing tracks, Buggy makes up story lines for the trains, and Mr. Bananas acts like Godzilla and knocks everything over. Fun for all! I love the hours they have spent bonding over the train set.

 Mr. Bananas and Boogie playing trains
Mr. Bananas and Boogie playing trains
 Trains for everyone!
Trains for everyone!