Almost Wordless Wednesday--Running Buddy

Within the last year, my oldest has taken up running races with me. Usually it entails him rolling out of bed minutes before I leave, scarfing down a quick breakfast, and totally smoking me in the race. At the end of his first race he said, "Mama, where were you? I was waiting for you and I was getting a little worried because you were taking so long!" Yeah, kid, I run a LOT slower than you do!
Ever since that first 5K race, we realized that he is a natural runner and has run several 5Ks, a 5-miler, and most recently a 10K with me. And by "with me" I mean, we travel together, the starter goes off, and he's gone. Several times he has said that he'll start with me and then take off. Hasn't happened yet. I think the adrenaline gets to him and he's gone.
I registered him for rec Cross Country. He only has to run a mile and I told him that it was good for him to work on his speed work. We have a 5K to sign up for and I realize that it is less than 10 days away and I really should sign up for it ASAP! I am happy to have a running buddy and that my sweet boy has found something that he enjoys. He enjoys the race and his aunt made him an awesome bib hanger/chalkboard where he can write down his race times. I love that this is something that he and I can do this together. I strive to look for something to do with each of my children and to partake in their interests. Whether it's racing with #1, coloring in our favorite coloring books with #2, playing legos with #3, or watching Cinderella over and over again with #4. As they age, I'm sure their interests will change and I hope I can keep up.