New Year's Resolutions 2012
I feel like time keeps flying past me and I'm barely able to keep up. Hubby mentioned that I haven't blogged very much and he's absolutely right. However, I have a ton of posts in my head, but nothing on paper. I need to get on that.
I've been thinking of New Year's Resolutions and I needed to think of things that would better my life and things that I can accomplish. So here we go:
1) Spend more time with the kiddos.
This sounds like a no-brainer since I am a stay-at-home mom, however, I feel like I never have enough time to enjoy them because I'm doing one thing or another. I'm usually over committed and I need to take some things off my plate and enjoy my time with my family. For the last two weeks Hubby and I have incorporated Family Game Night. My kids are loving it and so are we. Pictureka anyone?
2) Just Say NO!
This goes with number one. I've decided to start taking some things off my plate. Most recently I gave in my resignation for "Publicity Team Leader" for MOPs. I will finish out the year and then say goodbye to my position. I think I will continue attending MOPs meetings next year, but I just needed to be able to spend time with my family and not worried about deadlines. With Hubby traveling so much I wanted to be able to spend time with him when he was home and not be worried about getting the newsletter out. By the same token, I didn't want to have to worry about "one more thing" while he was away. If I can lighten my load, it will make the time without him a little easier.
I miss writing everyday and I want to get back to it. I need to work in the time. It's been good for me to write down everything and I feel less discombobulated when I do so. Lately, I've been feeling terribly discombobulated and I need to write so that I can everything out. Once I've cleared my head then I can keep moving forward.
4) Time with God
Just as my writing time went out the window, so did my time with God. I used to be able to get up early in the morning and have my devotional before the kids were up for the day. Since Mr. Bananas' birth, I haven't been able to accomplish that. Now that he is sleeping through the night (most nights) I am getting more sleep also. I need to put my devotional time back in my schedule. I find that when I take the time to pray for my friends & family and take the time to reflect on scripture my days go more smoothly. So here I go again. Are you there God? I'm ready, again.
I'm sure there are more, but I think these four will keep me going this year. So here's to more time with my fabulous family, time for myself, and time for God...not necessarily in that order.
Wishing you all the best in the new year!