I Like the Kissing Parts
My son is 4 1/2 years old. His best friend is a girl and she is 3 weeks older than he is. While we don't live close by to one another, her mom (my BFF) and I make every effort for the kids to see each other at least once a month, more if we're lucky. Unfortunately, it's getting harder these days as the kids are in preschool more days in the week and our weekends are filling up fast. But her mama and I diligently pull out our calendars and make it work.
This weekend, my BFF came by with her girls to spend the weekend with us. Her hubby was out of town for the weekend and what better way to spend it than with friends? I was thrilled to spend some time with her and the kids were happy to have a full house. I loved it last month when my other BFF stayed with me for the weekend while both of our hubbies were out of town. It takes the edge off the parenting chores/duties when someone is there to lend a helping hand while Hubby is away.
Anyway, this weekend the kids played fairly well together. I remarked a few times how Boogie and J. were like an old married couple. They play well together, do their own thing, have differences, but don't really squabble. They may have their moments, but it's not often. In fact they have so much respect, admiration, and adoration for each other like true best friends. It's really sweet.
At one point I asked J. about her other sleepovers. She loves sleepovers and has done several. She said, "Oh, yes. I have a lot of boy friends" (she was sincere and totally meant boys that were friends. It was cute.) My boogie man looked at her earnestly and said, "But you like me the most, right?" and without hesitation, she said, "Of course." I think it's true. While both kids have other friends that they spend time with and love dearly, it always comes back to this friendship.
The next day the two of them played house. J. played the mommy and Boogie was the puppy dog and they played for awhile outside. They came in and continued the game, but changing the parts. I think Boogs became the daddy. They had these cute conversations about the kids needing a quiet time and where they were going and what they were doing. At one point, J. came into the family room with a baby in stroller. After asking for Hubby and I for help to take her out, the stroller was then filled with Chester (Boog's cheetah) and Baby Jaguar. My heart swelled when Boogie took over the stroller duties and helped her with their pretend chores. It shows that Hubby and I have been good role models (whew!) in the roles that men & women/mommies & daddies/husbands & wives have when they are in a true partnership in their relationship.
That night we decided to let the kids watch a movie before bed. We decided on the new Disney move "The Princess and the Frog." While the big kids were downstairs in their jammies waiting for the little kids to get dressed and join them,
Boogie sits next to J. and says, "How about if you are the princess and I'll be the prince."
J. "We're not playing anymore. We're watching a movie."
B. "I know, but you can still be the princess and I can still be the prince."
J. "Okay"
B. "I like the kissing parts."
Me: "What did you say, Boogs? Did you say you like the kissing parts?"
B sheepishly, "Yeah. I like the kissing parts."
Oh, boy...