Almost Wordless Wednesday: My Girl

It's so different having a girl. With my firstborn I learned a lot about trains (especially the Thomas and Friends series), dinosaurs, dragons, and cheetahs. Having a girl as a second born was a bit of an adjustment. She loves pink and purple. She loves to try on my shoes. She critiques my clothing choices and usually says, "You look beautiful, Mama!" She loves dresses that twirl and will spin and spin just so that she can see her pretty dresses twirl. I knew that when I had a girl I would want her to try dance classes. I thought she would love it and she does.
Here is my little girl on one lazy Saturday morning. She had dressed herself in her dress up clothes over her pajamas and dances for me. I think wearing her sunglasses upside down is my favorite part of her outfit! This one is for you Ms. Chi!