You're the Greatest Thing About Me

Recently I heard a song by Train and the line "You're the Greatest Thing About Me" hit me. That's how I feel about my husband. I think that he is the greatest thing about me. He makes me a better person everyday of my life. I am so lucky and so blessed that God put us together.
My husband seemed to know before I did that I would need a little more help this time around with baby #3 brewing. Before I was long into my pregnancy he suggested hiring one of my former students to become a Mommy's helper at least once a week. I have and it's been great. My kids are happy and I'm able to schedule appointments, run errands, and get a few minutes to myself at least once a week.
Nausea hit hard this time around and the first trimester I could barely stand the smell of anything, much less make dinner. Hubby called a couple of times a week and offered to bring home dinner. Yay!
I've been so tired that I think my house has thrown up on itself and I can't keep up with the stuff. Laundry isn't getting done as quickly and we're scrambling to find a clean pair of undies for Boogs or the front hall looks like the drop off center for every bag that comes in the house. My once beautifully cleared kitchen counter is now the drop zone for random items. I'm losing my touch. Hubs has not once complained and has even started a nightly routine with the kids to clean up their toys from the family room.
He often tells me to rest and take it easy. For awhile we were sharing the dinner duties. One of us would cook and the other would clean up. Within the last year with him getting home later from his job I would make dinner and clean up so that he could spend extra time with the kids and then by the time he finished putting them to bed, the dishes would be put away and he and I could spend time together. Now that fatigue has hit me hard, he's started to clean up after dinner after he puts the kids down for the night.
I am one lucky woman. He's my best friend and the greatest thing about me! I love you, baby!