A Week of Fitness Firsts
Since November I have been on a mission to lose the baby weight from my last baby. Between November 1st and January 1st. I lost 16 pounds and made it to my weight loss goal...one pound less than I was when I became pregnant with L. I was really excited!
Now I'm on a mission to lose the rest of the baby weight of baby #1 who will be 4 at the end of the month. I have about 6 1/2 pounds to go to my goal weight of being 1 pound less than I was when I became pregnant with him. If I can lose the rest of that baby weight I will be ecstatic. While on this mission I decided that I want to be at my healthy weight according to the BMI...that means I have to lose 23 1/2 pounds. I gave myself until May 1st which is creeping up on me. I totally slacked in January and February. I didn't gain any more weight, but I didn't lose any, either.
My husband was trying to be supportive with Weight Loss #1 by promising a new laptop if I lost the weight. He knows extrinsic motivation works for me and he was right! I love my new Macbook!
My new "prize" will be a Kindle. He gave me until May 16th...I want to try to do it before then.
So here it goes. I go to the gym 3-5 a week. If I'm really motivated and if there is any time on the weekends I'll go all 7 days. One of my crazy rules is that if I don't lose any weight from one month to the next I'll add a gym class. So far I'm taking Trek, Bodystep (2 times a week), and Abs & Stretch. On my off days from taking a class, I'll run on the treadmill at the gym and lift some weights.
So this week I tried my first Spin Class. The instructor for my Trek class (which is a treadmill class) also teaches Spin. I spoke to her about it and she told me to come in to give it a shot. Holy Crap! I think I broke my butt. My bottom was sore for 2 days afterwards. Those seats are hard! She kept telling me to do what I can do and adjust...I thought...really? I'm just biking this should be fine. Within the first few minutes I could feel my quads getting tight and sore. Okay, not so easy. By the end I was shutting my eyes praying for the class to be over. I did what I could and basically held on for dear life. I think I'll try it again next week :)
This week I also tried a Body Pump Class. This is a class where you use a light barbell and some added weights. It's strengthening class. I'm still sore. I'm such a klutz that I was afraid that I would whack someone near me with my barbell. Fortunately it was a small class and we had plenty of room. When I introduced myself to the instructor and told her it was my first time I asked her what I needed, she replied, "strength, willpower, motivation....oh and a bench, 3 risers, a barbell, and 2lb., 5lb., and 7lb. weights to put on your bar." If I stick with this class it will replace my Abs & Stretch class. I'll see how it goes!
Both classes are at a time when my son is in preschool. This is another first. I usually leave the time open to run errands (because it's easier with one kid than with two), or go home and clean the house while the baby naps. But I have been finding that if we go to the gym after preschool, that I am so tired that we don't do anything else. We go home, have lunch, play a little bit, the baby goes down for a nap, my son watches his favorite show, and then goes down for quiet time, and then I'm taking a nap or I'm working on my to-do list. I can't get a lot done while my son is in his 2 1/2 hour class. I can get the grocery shopping done and maybe one other errand. If I go home to clean the house, I usually end up on the couch watching the last of the Today Show. So here I am trying to be more productive, maybe I'll get more done after preschool while losing the weight, too!