Today Was a Plus!
It's amazing how sleep will affect a person. After having a few rough days last week, our Bam Bam blessed us with a solid 8 hours on Friday night. I don't know if he was just as exhausted as I was or if the double swaddling worked, but he slept and so did we. Thank goodness! He has yet to repeat that performance, but I am grateful he did it at least once. Yippee!
Today was a good day. Even though Hubby was back at work and I don't have my carpool this week, I managed to get a nap. The kids and I had a good morning, despite the fact that Bug was sick and had thrown up all over sheets. Fortunately she did it early in the morning when Daddy was still home and he was able to clean up the mess, throw the sheets in the wash, and change her sheets. I don't know if it's because she might have another ear infection, a stomach bug, or something else. But it was just the once and hopefully no more.
I even managed to make it to the store to pick up cookies and juice boxes for Boogie's class to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. When we got home, Bug took a nap, Bam Bam slept, and then we picked up Boogie from preschool.
I managed to get a nap in the afternoon and make dinner. The house still looks like a tornado went through it, but I'm still standing and in a good mood. All I need to do is wrap presents for my favorite Boogie Monster, feed the baby one more time, and head to bed. We have a busy and fun day tomorrow!