Boogie Turns 5!

Last week my eldest child turned five years old. I can't believe how quickly time flies. When did he get so big?
We started the morning with singing to Boogie while he was still in bed. He had a huge smile on his face and asked for"fancy" toast (french toast). He asked for fancy toast with a Night Fury outlined in chocolate chips. I did the best that I could and he was pretty happy with it. Buggy asked for a gronckle on hers. They happily ate their french toast. Since I told Boogie that he could do just about anything that day he requested watching his favorite movie, "How to Train Your Dragon." He watched his movie, and then we got ready for preschool.
Boogs brought cookies and juice boxes to share with his classmates to celebrate his birthday. It was also singing day and Hubby came home early from work so that he could watch Boogie sing with his class. Boogs was so excited to have all of us there and we loved being there for him.
After we came home we played several sessions of Mario Kart. Being his birthday we allowed him to play as many games as he wanted before we opened presents.
Our house is now filled with all sorts of dragons. Boogie loves dragons and was and is very excited to have a bunch in our house. He thinks that there isn't enough appreciation for dragons and will happily tell anyone within in listening distance about all the different types of dragons. My parents came over before going out to dinner and gave Boogs a new & shiny red balance bike. It just so happened we recently listened to Henry and Beezus on audio book and Henry Huggins really, really wanted a shiny, new red bicycle. It was coincidence that Henry wanted a red bike and Boogie received one for his birthday. But it made it all that much cooler.
After tearing Boogs away from his presents, we all went out to dinner at Boog's favorite restaurant. Boogie was so cute when he ordered his meal, "May I please have one of your corn dogs? May I also have some of your fries?" were surprised to find out that the large bird "Red" of Red Robin would also be there. Boogs and Bugs were so excited when he came over to say hi. Boogie's birthday was getting better and better.
The icing on the cake was at the end of the night when Boogie said, "This was the best birthday ever." He also thanked us all week for giving him a fun birthday and for all of his gifts. It was so sweet, especially since we hadn't even had a party yet. His birthday day was just a simple day of having fun and celebrating Boogs, yet he absolutely LOVED it. It's so nice when the simple things can make my kids happy.
We did have a party this weekend celebrating with our extended family. Simple, fun, and perfect.
Happy, happy birthday, Boogie! You make our lives better with your smile and laughter. You amaze me every day with your love. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and you make the world a better place. Thank you for giving me the best title in the world, "Mommy" and giving me the best job I have ever had, being your mommy. I love you more than you will ever know. I love you, my precious Boogie Monster!