The Queen of Returns
I've become one of "those" people. You know the ones that return everything! It's terrible and I don't relish it, but I'm getting better at it. It's not that I don't like what I bought, but because I have found it somewhere else and cheaper!
I have decided to be a SAHM. It was my choice and I love it, but not having my income does put a crimp in our budget. I have to be more careful of what I choose to do with our money. I'm the one who does 85% of the food shopping and probably 95% of everything else. I decide what we need for the home, for the kids, and for the hubby. Sometimes I'll think about what I need (well I do have a running wish list on Amazon, but I rarely indulge!) Granted, I did just buy myself an expensive pair of running shoes, but I use them almost everyday and getting a good pair means no more knee pain. I think it was worth the trade off.
A friend of mine was shocked that I would check with my husband before buying a tricycle for my daughter. She laughed at me and said, "Just buy it if you like it." Well, when I was working, I wouldn't have thought twice about it, nor would I worry about bargains. But I don't work outside the home anymore. I definitely work, but my income is the hugs and kisses from my kids and having a happy family. So, yes, I do check with my husband for larger ticket items. I also return things if I can find it cheaper somewhere else.
Anyway, so I return everything. And I mean everything! Part of it is my lack of organization. Sometimes I find that I already had something at home that would do just nicely and so I have to return what I bought to "replace" that thing I couldn't find. Part of it is that I'm still honing my bargain seeking skills. Who knew that kids sunglasses were 2/$5 at one store or $5.99 each at another? So of course I returned the $5.99 pairs that I bought my kids. And someone reading this blog will tell me that I can find them cheaper somewhere else. That's fine! Sometimes I will buy something and my husband will say, "Really? Do you think we really need that?" Sometimes we do, and other times we don't. So back to the store I go to return things.
I could probably save myself some extra cash, gas, and time if I was able to find what I needed at a good price the first time. So my goal is: 1) to be better organized so that I can find the things that I need right in my own home; 2) Get better at recognizing what a "good" price is; 3) Find the sales/bargains. Maybe if I can do these 3 things I will no longer be the queen of returns, and most importantly I will be able to save money, gas, and time!