Note to Self
Note to self: do not volunteer for anything (no matter how wonderful the cause) while pregnant, nursing, or when the baby does not sleep through the night.
I posted the above as my Facebook status in a bout of frustration a couple of weeks ago. Many of friends "liked" my status saying that I do too much already. I have decided to start cutting back on some of my committees. I simply cannot do all the things that I would like to do because I don't have the energy. The baby is having a wicked time sleeping through the night because of the reflux and that means Mama is having a wicked time getting enough sleep to get even the simplest tasks done. I'm just too tired and feeling very, very overwhelmed.
So overwhelmed in fact that I bursted into tears while chatting with a friend at swim practice. I wasn't blubbering, but tears kept rolling down my face. Poor Bug became concerned, sat in my lap and whispered, "I got chu, Mama. I got chu."
Honestly with a full night's sleep, things will seem less daunting. But right now, not so much. I have decided to cut back on the activities I've assigned myself. I'll breathe a huge sigh of relief once camp is done. Just 3 more weeks to prep. Swim team will be over soon, but to be honest I'm having a ton of fun with swim team so it hasn't been that bad. I still have four things on my plate, but I'm considering dropping one of them when it comes time. The other three things (baptism prep, Church cleaning, and MOPs publicity I'll keep). The first two are things Hubby and I will do together. I'm committed to MOPs, but since I was literally crying to the assistant director at swim practice, they might be pretty understanding when I cry, "Uncle!"
I'm very frustrated that I can't seem to keep up the pace that I was doing before being preggers with Mr. Bananas. Post-partum with this guy has been tough and it's because of the lack of sleep. I wasn't banking on a reflux baby, though I should have realized that it was good possibility since there's a family history of reflux babies. Including Mr. Bananas half of the kids in the family have had reflux (9 of the 18).
Mr. Bananas has been a good reminder to keep things simple and to not do too much. He's also a good reminder not to be too hard on myself. Do what I can and things will get done eventually. It just might take much, much longer! Speaking of which, L. if you're reading this, I have a birth announcement to send to you in Switzerland, but at this rate he might be 18 before you get this or you'll get it with your Christmas card.
So I'm taking the advice of several friends and sisters and reminding myself that I've got time and to take it easy while I can. In due time I will do my share.
A Time for Everything--Ecclesiastes 3:1 (New American Version)
1There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—