Mother's Day 2012

I'm very late in posting about Mother's Day. It was a pretty fantastic weekend. It was also a crazy weekend where we were invited to 5 different events. Due to scheduling I was only able to participate in two of them.
In the first event I happily sat next to the teen I sponsored for confirmation. As she was confirmed I felt so much pride in her new journey as she publicly proclaimed her faith. She is a new light into our world and I am so happy to have been asked to join in her preparation and ongoing journey into her faith.
It was also the same weekend where I was able to celebrate my BFF's birthday with a Dar William's concert and spend a night away with my two best friends. I felt bad that I wouldn't be home for Mother's Day morning, but at the same time, I was grateful for a night away of fun and relaxation with my best friends. Hubby is the best and told me to go for it.

I woke up on Mother's Day to video messages from each of the kids that Hubby sent to my phone. Super cute and I am so grateful that he sent them to me. I did miss them while I was away, but grateful for a good night's sleep.
My friend J. wasn't able to stay the night, but A. and I were able to take full advantage of a night without our kiddos. We woke up late and made our way leisurely to breakfast. We had a champagne breakfast, while chatting and people watching. After breakfast we walked through some of the shops and enjoyed being able to take our time through some of the stores without a little one vying for our attention.
Later that afternoon, I enjoyed snuggling with each of my kids when I came home. I loved the smile, the laughter, the hugs, and the kisses. Boogie gave me a hand print he had made in art class and Hubby made dinner. We made s'mores for dessert and danced in the kitchen before bedtime. It was a pretty fantastic weekend. I felt very loved and appreciated by my husband and children. I love being a mother and I am grateful for that calling.