3 min read

Mama Pampering Weekend

I had a fabulous weekend. I was able to connect with at least 3 different friends this weekend and spend some time with them.

On Friday my best friend from high school came over with her two kids for a playdate. Her kids are the same age as my kids and it seemed that all four them had fun playing around the house.  They got along pretty well and C. and I were able to catch up since it's been a while since we've seen each other. She totally spoiled us with lunch and then yummy friendship bread. Thanks, C!  Again, I love play dates with my friends because I get to catch up with my friends while my kids have fun playing with their kids. Good time had by all.

On Saturday I went to a morning Mass while Hubby took the kids to clean the Church. I was sure that after a fun playdate on Friday I would be tired on Saturday. But I must be nesting because after Mass I went to a baby store and picked up a few things I needed, came home for lunch and then right back out again to buy some nursing essentials.  It's one of the things that has been in the back of my mind to do, but haven't had time to do. I really didn't want to take two kids with me to a maternity store so that I could try on nursing bras, tops, etc.  It was nice to do this particular errand sans kids.

We had a maternity/nursing store at our local mall, but it has closed since the last time I needed it. I wasn't keen on driving the extra 20+ minutes to go to another mall, but I heard good things about the store and finally went.  I'm so glad I did! I went in and as I stared at the rows and rows of nursing essentials a sales person asked if I needed help. She told me she'd be right with me and asked if I would like something to drink while I waited. Really, I would love some water! So she brought me something to drink while I started to browse, shortly thereafter she helped me choose some things, put me in a dressing room that I never had to leave because she was so attentive that she brought me things as I needed them.  It was the best sales/buying experience I have ever had. Being 37 weeks pregnant, feeling huge and unwieldy, it was nice for someone to wait on me and make my experience completely stress free.  I left with a little more than I had intended to buy, but I think overall I did pretty well. I definitely got what I needed. Oh did I mention that I was probably in and out of the store in about 30 minutes?  It was good all around. I really should somehow contact the store and give them kudos for their excellent customer service. I should also mention that the sales person helping me was also helping another person or two. She was really working it to help all of us. I am very happy with the whole experience.

Sunday was topped off with a pampering day given to me by my two best friends from college.  They wanted to celebrate my baby and asked what I wanted to do. I said that lunch with the two of them would be perfect.  That's exactly what we did. We went to lunch and had a luxurious 1 1/2 lunch eating and chatting. We left the kids at home and we were able to take our time.  Then after lunch the girls took me for a pedicure. My aching swollen feet loved ever minute of that pedicure. All 3 of us relaxed while our massaging chairs took care of our backs. After pedis, we went back to another restaurant and dined on dessert crepes and talked for another two hours.  It was a full day of chatting, catching up, laughing, and pampering. It was absolutely perfect.  Thank you J and A!

This weekend is extended because of MLK's birthday. Hubby has the day off. I don't think I've seen him very much this weekend because of all my errands and outings. I look forward to snuggling up with him and the kids today and hanging out with them.  The weather is kind of dreary and not conducive for going out. I think that a day of reading books, snuggling, drinking hot chocolate, and playing games is in order for my little family.

I am so grateful for my dear friends. They are so good to me and always have been. My prayer is that I can be as good a friend to each of them as they are to me. They are a real blessing in my life. Thank you, Ladies!