A Good Day While Daddy's Away
If you've been keeping up, you know that I hate when my husband travels. Everything just seems tougher to do. I also tend to be sleep deprived when he's away because I can't sleep and then I wake up in the morning with the kids. By the way all three are napping now and so should I!
However, Hubby left on Monday afternoon for 4 day business trip and things are alright. I admit that on the first day as soon as he left the driveway I put all three kids down for a nap and I slept, too. Ahhh, glorious sleep. The evening went pretty well and the kids left an enthusiastic good night message to their daddy on his cell phone. It was super sweet. During bedtime prayers, Buggy said she was thankful for Boogie, Boogie said he was thankful for me, and I'm pretty Mr. Bananas is pretty thankful for both of his siblings.
The next day went much better than I expected. I had signed up the two big kids for private lessons now that swim team is over. The Head Flipper coach for the swim agreed to teach my kids for the week. I think having that as a routine every morning will help keep things moving along. After swim lessons we headed back to the house and shortly our friends arrived for a playdate. This is a new friend for me. We met through MOPs and her son was also a first year flipper on the same swim team. During swim team, our boys swam, our little girls played together on the pool deck, and we chatted getting to know one another. My friend knew that my husband was out of town this week and offered to give me a break with the kids. I was grateful for some adult conversation.
After they left, my kids went down for a nap. My parents had just gotten home from a high school reunion in California and my father made it a point to come over and spend time with Boogs. It was awesome. While the little kids napped, Boogie and his lolo ran around the backyard having a blast with super soakers. Boogie had so much fun soaking his lolo.
Last night, I had my last formation meeting for Summer Camp. My wonderful and reliable babysitter took care of the big kids while I took Mr. Bananas with me to the meeting. I stayed longer than I should have, but things seemed to go pretty well. I was pleased. We recruited over 90 volunteers for our camp. We have 92 volunteers and 103 campers. Wowzers!
It was very busy day, but it went without a hitch. I just wish I could sleep better while Hubby was gone. We're taking it easy today and tomorrow I'm taking the kids to visit some of their cousins.
If you think about it, please say a prayer for us that things will continue to go smoothly and that Hubby has safe travels while he is away. Two and half days to go!