Enjoying the Moment
I am guilty of doing one thing and thinking about the million of other things that I need/want to do. I rarely take time to slow down and enjoy the moment because I'm thinking about some unfinished task. I have been making a conscious effort to focus on one thing at a time even if I'm planning ahead.
It's especially hard around this time of year as we prepare to host Thanksgiving for our family, prepare for Advent and Christmas and not lose sight of the reason for the season, celebrate Hubby's birthday in January, and prepare for the baby's birth in early February. I find that I'm constantly thinking about the state of my house and how I'm going to get it party ready for family for Thanksgiving; the gifts that still need to be bought, but I can't bring myself to buy because it's not Advent yet; and preparing Boogie's room to fit him and Buggy while the same time prepare the nursery for our new baby boy. I feel like my to-do list is miles and miles long. I think Hubby is feeling the pressure, too. He's the chef behind Thanksgiving dinner and the foreman for any big projects around the house.
This Saturday, Hubby and I took a break from our to-do lists. We decided to take the kids to our local orchard for their free Open House. Though when it was time for us to make our way there, it was hard to get moving. We were so tired from doing other tasks and it would have been so easy to hunker down and not leave. However, we decided to go to the orchard and it was a great decision. The day was sunny and gorgeous! Perfect for being outside. While at the orchard we tried their yummy hot apple cider, roasted marshmallows, took a hayride around the Christmas trees and strawberry patches, played in the haystacks, and enjoyed more roasted marshmallows.
The best part of our day is that we took our time. We weren't hurried or rushed. We enjoyed every moment and the kids loved it. My only regret is that we left the camera in the car and we didn't take any pictures. I loved the feeling of utter bliss. I'm so glad that we stopped to enjoy our day and not get caught up in the busyness of our lives.
As the holidays are swiftly approaching and we start to join the madness of the season...I hope that we all remember to stop and take a breath. I hope that we all remember that this is a time to enjoy being with family, friends, and all of our loved ones. I hope that you are able to stop and enjoy this moment. Peace be with you as you prepare for Thanksgiving and the holidays.