Back to School Routines
Boogie started school this week! The last two days have been transition days at the school. Just an hour each day and today will be his first regular school day. His school is only 2 1/2 hours long. This year will be different in many ways: He will go in the afternoon, Ladybug is older and is down to one nap, Mama is pregnant and tired. We will have to adjust our schedule to fit our new needs, routines, and situations.
I was really proud of the Boogie Man. He did well on the first day. He shared his toys, he was polite, he defined the word nocturnal and gave an example of a nocturnal animal. I loved that I got a chance to spend his first day of school with him (which is the requirement at the school. It's only an hour the first day and a parent must accompany the child for that hour). Did Boogs really need me? No. Was it nice to spend that extra time with him? Yes!
Today is the first day that Boogie has his regular schedule and this evening is Buggy's first dance class. This will be a busy day for us!
I realize that I have to shift our schedule around. I'm used to going to the gym in the morning and then relaxing in the afternoon. But now that I have energy in the morning, I think I need to get some chores/errands/"to do"list accomplished, then taking Boogie to school, and then take a nap before he gets home. I think it might take me a week or so to see what will work best in our schedule. I was hoping to go to the gym this morning, but I realize that I have to buy birthday gifts for our annual Labor Day/Birthday party celebrations! I guess I'll try to hit the gym next week! I really should since the baby weight is creeping up on me! Wish us luck as we try to figure out our new routines!