2011 A Year of Changes

2011 started with Hubby working on the kids' room. He worked hard on his Christmas vacation. After Christmas, Hubby worked on sketching on out his ideas, finding the right paint color and finally working on the room. We asked my parents to keep the kids one night so that Hubby could work on the room. He painted through the night on Dec. 30th, came to bed around 6am, slept for 3 hours, and got up again to work on the room. Our kids spent the entire day at my parents' house. Unfortunately, it still wasn't ready when they came home after dinner. They did a sleepover in Bug's room while Hubby once again worked through then night, this time without sleep. He was up a solid 17 1/2 hours finishing the walls, and rearranging the room. I have to say it looks pretty fabulous.

2011 started with the kids moving in together. It's a still a work in progress. Buggy is so excited to be in Boogie's room that she's not napping very well and is having a hard time falling asleep at night. This leads to Boogie staying up, too. I think that with a little time and when some of the excitement wears off, it will be just fine. I also think that they will become better friends for having had to share a room. That's my hope anyway.

Of course another big change in 2011 will be the arrival of our third child. He's still due in February, but we'll see. Hubby is convinced he'll be here towards the end of January on his birthday (the 23rd). I still think that's a little early, but I'm just going with the flow. Though I will admit that I'm 35 weeks and I am ready for baby to come out. I'm increasingly more uncomfortable. But I guess I should work on washing his baby clothes and preparing some freezer meals and getting his room ready before I wish too hard for him to join us.
Before I forget, 2011 will bring us kindergarten. I can't believe that Boogie will be attending kindergarten in the Fall. I think of all the changes, that is the one that will throw me for a loop. In a lot of ways I'm ready for him to experience more in his academics and I know that he will be excited for school. At the same he's taking a few more steps out of the nest and becoming his own person. I will continue to pray that we will provide a firm foundation for him so that he will not be too influenced by his peers.
Oh, and how can I forget, 2011 will bring our 10th wedding anniversary this Summer? So many things have changed since Hubby and I exchanged our wedding vows. One of the things that has changed in a good way is our love for each other. I didn't think I could love my husband any more than I did the day that I married him, but I do. Watching him with our kids and watching all that he does for our family I feel my heart swell with all that he does for us. He is my biggest supporter and cheerleader, my best friend, and my love. I look forward to the next 10 years together.
And finally as I look to the new year, a final decision will be be made as to whether or not I go back to work. I have to make a decision in February/March. Having a baby in February makes me feel that God is saying, "Nah, take your time and enjoy your family." So that will probably be it. I will probably leave the school system for a few years before deciding to go back to work. And who knows if I'll go back to teaching? We'll see.
I think the theme for this year is TRUST GOD. He's hasn't let us down yet. When we've experienced tough times, whether it's been just me or as a family, He's been right there. So here's to 2011 and Trusting God.
Peace be with you as you look towards the future!