Here We Go Again!
Hubby left yesterday afternoon for another business trip. Yup, he left on Mother's Day for a week long business trip. He did his best to make Mother's Day Special for me. It was a wonderful Mother's Day. I got to sleep in, eat a delicious breakfast, take a nap, relax, enjoy lunch and dessert out. He worked with the kids to decorate Mother's Day cards. He was wonderful and I know that he hated to leave for a business trip. He left at 3:30pm and then we were on our own. Triple whammy: he left on Mother's Day, it's for a week and I think my threshold for him being gone is only for 4 days, and he is taking the red-eye back next Saturday in the hopes of making it on time to our son's t-ball game (though despite his best efforts, it looks doubtful) while I run my race. Fortunately my parents will be able to take both kids on Saturday to the game and I'll meet up with them after the race.
As always before any business trip he works late the week before to prep for the trip. He's got a lot of documents to write, things that to be reviewed and signed, not to mention to prep the questions and to go over the background information that he needs for the sworn statements he has to take. It's crazy busy, it throw us for a loop that he's not home for dinner most nights before his trip. The kids go a little nutty especially Boogie who adores Daddy. The week that Hubby is gone gets nuttier because I overdo it and try to keep busy so as to not think about him being gone and then I've worn myself out to the point of exhaustion. The kids can feel my stress and they react to it.
My goal this time around is to keep it simple. Stick to our routines, set up a few play dates, and for me to go to bed earlier! My mantra will be to keep my head and to not sweat the small stuff and to not create big stuff to sweat! :)