1 min read

Best Friends

Best Friends

My best friend gave birth to her third baby just a few days ago. We've been on the same baby timeline so now each our kids are best friends. Take a look!

 J. and Boogie. Best friends since 2006 (Boogie's in the carrier)
J. and Boogie. Best friends since 2006 (Boogie's in the carrier)
 A more recent picture of the best friends. Taken last year at Boogie's 4th birthday. This is one of my FAVE photos.
A more recent picture of the best friends. Taken last year at Boogie's 4th birthday. This is one of my FAVE photos.
 C. and Bug. Bug is in yellow.
C. and Bug. Bug is in yellow.
 Taken a few months later. Bug is in red.  I realize I need more photos of these ladies!
Taken a few months later. Bug is in red. I realize I need more photos of these ladies!
 The newest set of best friends. Mr. Bananas and Baby Z.  
The newest set of best friends. Mr. Bananas and Baby Z.
 Where it all began.
Where it all began.