Hello Again

Welcome friends! It's been some time since I've written about family, faith, and motherhood. So let me introduce myself once again.
My name is Heather, and I am a wife and mother of four.
I'm an educator who has taken some time out of the classroom, but I always find myself drifting back to volunteer and support my fellow teachers.
Every day I have so much to say about life and motherhood, yet those two things seem to keep me from writing as often as I like. So it's nice to get back to the keyboard and share some thoughts.
This season of mothering has been interesting. And I have to say I am really enjoying this season of not having to drag around that loathsome diaper bag anymore, work around nap times, or potty train anyone. Instead, I get to share my love of board games, T. Swift, Star Wars, and favorite books.
I have four children, ages 16, 13, 11, and 7. I feel stretched in multiple directions. It's weird to have a child tiptoeing into adulthood with his first job and beginning to do the college search while I still have one in elementary school who is still learning to read. Then I've got my loveable middles who aren't the oldest or the youngest and trying to find where they fit. Don't we all?
Do you ever feel like you're not quite sure you know where you fit? I do. All.the.time. For so long, my identity was educator. Then it was (is) mother. Then unexpectedly, it was a breast cancer patient in a pandemic. It still feels weird to say I am a breast cancer survivor. And I'm not comfortable with really saying it aloud. I still stutter as I say it because it's hard. It is tough to say that I had breast cancer. And while I was undergoing treatment, I started writing and getting published (Thanks, Chicken Soup for the Soul!), and now I'm donning this new identity as a writer (childhood dream!).
Can I tell you a secret? I feel like a total poser. I have no idea how to navigate any of this, and I'm just trying my best at mothering, writing, and figuring out where I stand in the chaos. But I'm so glad you're joining me. I look forward to doing life with you.