Is This a Test?

I'm feeling a little bit like Jonah right now. I am asked to be on leadership/planning/organizing teams on a regular basis. I either have "sucker" written on my forehead or this is really where God wants me to be.  I'm not sure which. But nonetheless I keep trying to run from decline these invitations but they seem to seek me out.

I decided last year after I had agreed to be the volunteer coordinator for our Church's Bible camp that I would not volunteer for anything while I was pregnant or nursing a baby.  Of course in that time I also agreed to be the Publicity Team Leader for our MOPS group.  Since then I have also been asked to teach/coordinate a Biblio Bebe Class while the teachers were on Maternity leave, consider being a co-Flipper representative (Swim team), and now just the other day I was sent an e-mail about being part of a planning committee for a new Mom's group starting at my parish. ARGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!!

I said no to the Biblio Bebe Class. With Hubby leaving next month for about 3 weeks I just didn't think that I would have the energy to plan a bilingual lesson twice a week every week for 8 weeks.  I didn't outright decline being the Flipper rep, but gave my reservations up front.  As for the new Mom's group at our parish, I totally would love to be a part of that, especially since it would be at and through our Church, but I don't want to be on the ground floor of that. Now right now anyway. Again with Hubby working late for the next few weeks and being gone next month, I won't have a lot of free time and what free time I have I want to be able to spend it with my Hubby when he is home. So, no thank you.

So what do you think? Sucker or God's calling? I'm leaning towards sucker...but here's food for thought:

Exodus 35:10

“All who are skilled among you are to come and make everything the Lord has commanded.” (NIV)