Bam Bam is 2 (and a half!) months old

Things have been so busy that I didn't do my monthly update on Bam Bam. He's already 2 1/2 months old.  But this is his actual 2 month birthday picture.

Bam Bam has been a delight. He loves being near his siblings and he loves when they pay attention, smile, and talk to him.   Bam Bam's second month of life was celebrated with a "Welcome Party" by his aunties.  It was nice to show him off to family and ooooh and ahhhh over the sweet gifts he was given.  One of my favorites was a blanket that was made during the party. My sister-in-law chose the fleece and cut out each of the squares.  At the party everyone tied them together to make a beautiful, colorful blanket that he can lay on and grab the fringe created by the knots.

It was during his second month that I was thrown into figuring out how to handle three children on my own while my Hubby was away on business for a week. I had a lot of help, but I will say that if we have any future children, my husband cannot leave on business until after the baby is at least 6 months old!

Bam Bam has fallen into a schedule. He sleeps for 3-4 hours at a time and is awake more often. He loves his swing and will readily sleep in it. He likes to sleep between the time that we take Boogie to preschool and about the time Boogie comes home. He eats and sits with me and then naps while I make dinner.  In the morning he wakes up when Daddy gets ready for work and likes to spend that extra one-on-one time with Daddy while he can.

I can't believe how quickly he is growing! He smiles everyday and loves when Mama talks to him :)